Vertical Pump Motor Manufacturer

Shaft Mount Reducers

Precision gearing with high load capacity

The Aurora Shaft Mount Reducer Models (DIR Sizes 2-10) and Aurora Screw Conveyor Drive Reducer Models (DIRSC sizes 2-6) are ideal for power conveyors, mixers, elevators, extruders, pumps, and many other heavy-duty applications.

Unmatched quality, performance and value

The Aurora Motors speed reducer is an enclosed shaft-mount-type unit with double reduction ratio, either belt driven or direct coupled. It's mounted directly on the driven shaft and utilizes an adjustable torque arm to connect the gear case to the supportive structure. Our shaft-mount reducers are direct replacements for popular name brands.

All gearings are helical, case carburized, and precision ground (not shaved), with a Rockwell hardness C 58-62, and a resilient core for high shock load capacity. All shaft mounts contain spring-loaded, double lip seals made of nitrile rubber. Tapered bushings with a range of bore variations provide an easy way to mount the reducer. All housings are made of high strength cast iron.

For Distribution Inquiries, please contact:
Matt Watkinson
NA Account Manager, Warranty Program
tel: 510-901-7503

Shaft Mount Reducers